Who have deep knowledge about silence retreats,
who can show you how to become mindful
Silence can be healing. Because it will give you the space to connect with your own inner wisdom.
But silence can also be overwhelming at times.
That is why during a Silence Retreat it is needed that there are people around you who have a lot of experience. Teachers who can show you how to become mindful, who have deep knowledge about this process. Teachers who are grounded and know how to create a safe environment, in which it is easy to allow the silence to be.
We are all walking each other home
– Ram Dass –
What people say about the teachers & retreat
It was wonderful to experience the peace and quiet between so many people.
And all week delicious food was cooked for you by Karel and Jarka. No meal was the same.
From our meditation teacher: Martin Pack I learned the mindful meditation by practicing this several times every day with and without the group. My head became more and more quiet and calm. His guidance with great humor and kindness sharpened my technique in meditation.
And in my daily worries I keep returning to it. To experience the peace in my head and in my heart again.
Thank you very much for this special week.
Contact Form
If you want to contact us; maybe you want more information or have a question, or if you want to apply for one of the Mindful Silence Retreats…
Please fill this form and we will get back to you!